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The Goode Provider

Knowledge is Goode


Also known as high blood pressure or just "pressure" is when blood flows through the arteries at a higher-than-normal pressure. Symptoms of high blood pressure can include headaches, confusion or fatigue, chest pain, visual disturbance (difficulty seeing), shortness of breath and abnormal heartbeat. Causes of high blood pressure can include certain health conditions as diabetes, high cholesterol (fatty blood) and obesity. High blood pressure can increase the risk for heart attack and stroke. High blood pressure can affect the heart, brain and kidneys. Lifestyle and diet modifications are effective in lowering blood pressure, in addition to exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and not smoking.


Also known as "sugar" or too much sugar in the blood. Diabetes occurs when the body cannot use glucose (sugar) normally. Glucose is the main source of energy for the cells of the body. Glucose (sugar) enters our cells by a hormone called insulin produced by the pancreas. Symptoms of diabetes include increased thirst, frequent urination (peeing a lot), increased hunger, unintentional weight loss, frequent infections, fatigue, blurred vision and numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. Diabetes can affect the organs of the body. Diabetes does not go away but can be managed by diet modifications, regular exercise, blood sugar monitoring, possible diabetic medications and weight loss.


Also known as high cholesterol or "fatty blood". High cholesterol is high amounts of fat in the blood. High cholesterol can run in families or develop from a high fat diet and/or obesity. Conditions that may occur are atherosclerosis (plaques develop in the blood vessels narrowing it). This can lead to heart attack and stroke. High cholesterol can be reduced or maintained with a heart healthy diet, regular exercise and healthy body weight and not smoking.

Heart Attack

Death of heart muscle due to loss of blood supply.


Occurs when blood supply to the brain is interrupted or reduced decreasing the amount of oxygen and nutrient supply.

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